Chief Minister Samagra Gramya Unnayan Yojana (CMSGUY) was taken up to be implemented over a period of 5 years from 2016-17 and culminating in the year 2021-22 coinciding with 75 years of India's Independence.
The main objective of the Mega Mission is to double the farm income, in unison with the vision of Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. This was sought to be achieved through saturation model by covering each revenue village through focused interventions in (a) Direct economic activities, (b) Logistic support including market linkages, and (c) Community support.
Above focused interventions would be aimed at in nine critical areas and related Missions/programmes will be:
- Fishery Mission
- Milk Mission
- Organic Mission
- Land Management and Conservation Mission
- Sericulture, Khadi and Cottage Industry Mission
- Road and broadband connectivity
- Semi-processing, processing and market linkages
- Youth-Yoga-Sports Mission
- e-gram Mission
Functions of ‘MMS-CMSGUY’
- To act as an overarching Mega-Mission with the basic role of mentoring and funding agency to each one of the Missions/programmes under various departments for achievement of the objectives of the individual Missions.
- To create duly empowered management mechanism, through participation of/collaboration with various Government departments and autonomous bodies, educational institutions, NGO’s, etc., as may be deemed necessary for achievement of the objectives of the CMSGUY-Projects.
- To establish an appropriate coordination and monitoring mechanism amongst the Missions of CMSGUY-Projects and to delegate appropriate powers to such bodies as may be necessary for implementation of the CMSGUY-Projects.
- To approve Annual Action Plan of the Mega Mission in the beginning of each year. This would form basis for approval of Annual Action Plan of individual Missions by the Executive Committee.
- To undertake innovative initiatives in areas related to CMSGUY -Projects, as may be directed by the Government of Assam.
- To create technical, administrative and other posts considered necessary for implementation of CMSGUY-Projects in the society and to retain such posts and to make payments for the same, pursuant to the provisions in this regard in the Rules of Business of MMS-CMSGUY. The creation of such posts, however, shall be as per stipulations of the Project Report of each individual Mission, and such Project Reports shall be duly approved by the Government of Assam.
- To make Rules & Regulations and Bye laws, not inconsistent with the Memorandum of Association in the conduct of activities of the MMS-CMSGUY and its Missions.
- To accept funds from Govt. of India, NABARD, etc., and to undertake and accept management of any endowment consistent with the objective of the individual Missions of CMSGUY-Project.
- To prepare annual reports, monthly, quarterly and annual accounts of MMS-CMSGUY.
- To purchase, hire, dispose through formal auction, take on lease, exchange or otherwise acquire property both movable and immovable, in pursuance of objectives of individual Missions of CMSGUY-Project and that of MMS-CMSGUY.
- To commit expenditure as received from Government or any other source in pursuance of the individual Missions of CMSGUY-Project and that of MMS-CMSGUY objectives
- To take all such actions, including those not mentioned above, as may be necessary for or incidental to the achievements of the objectives of CMSGUY-Projects and that of MMS-CMSGUY.
- Commit funds and enter into contracts with various vendors, suppliers and consultants for design, implementation & maintenance of various projects of CMSGUY.
- To hire technical consultants and staff for various requirements in the MMS-CMSGUY Society as and when required.
- The contribution may also be accepted from Private institutions and individuals with the approval of the Governing Council.
- To do all such acts and things as are incidental or conducive to the discharge of the functions and attainment of any of the objects of the Society.